
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Tsunami Surprise

What a day Friday was! We were all ready for our last day of level 2 at school when all of a sudden the bell rang... and rang... and kept ringing. We all lined up by the gate and headed for higher ground.

We trudged up the hill slowly, lungs bursting and legs on fire by the time we were halfway up. Finally Ms. Simmonds turned around and we all sat down on the hill. 

It was quite a scary time for us. We all sat quietly in our classes waiting for the all clear. After an hour we were all getting a little bit worried that we were going to have to stay the night!

Some of the people came out of their houses and brought food and water for us. It was awesome to see that people would come and support the youngest in their community. They even offered the use of their wharepaku for our school.

When we were finally given the all clear, we were so excited to get back down the hill. It had been such a stressful day that we ended up spending the last part of it playing on the playground and eating ice-cream that Mrs. Lindsay brought over because we had been so mature and well-behaved!

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Te Maunga i’m Brooklyn from Te Ngahere. I like your blog post about the Tsunami surprise we got on friday. The detail was very interesting to read, I wish I was there when those generous people came but my mum came and got me from up on the top of the hill. I was so scared this was my first time ever in a national disaster. It was so scary and I was worried that if it was going to hit or not and I was all so worried about my family to.

    What where your main emotions, while this was happening?
